This is my next blog on The Secret of Word of Mouth, 2nd edition, by George Silverman.

If you have missed the first instalment, check here

Now, let’s get into it, shall we?

Getting the Right Attention…

Getting Attention is important for the right reasons and using the right methods. In order to get this right, think about the following:

  • What does your product improve?
  • The faster you deliver a positive experience, the more loyal your consumer will become
  • Focus on the benefits of your product and don’t plan stunts to merely get attention as it will weaken the message
  • Make credible promises and product claims. Give the customers the benefits highest on their list- and deliver them consistently
  • When comparing with competitors, use small bite sized comparisons and give the “why” of your product

Product Engagement…

Trying to actually understand a product or “self use” it for the first time can be pretty daunting for the majority of consumers. Most people would prefer to be introduced to a product by a friend who is an experienced user- either verbally or through demonstration.

To avoid people feeling as though their inexperience is a barrier to your product you can:

  • Try making YouTube videos about aspects of your product
  • Utilise indirect experiences with your product. By indirect, you could hold an event where your product is part of the action, but not the whole ball game. For example, if you are tech device that rates things, offer your services to wine tasters or movie buffs as a way to do what they would do anyway easier.
  • Make use of benefit statements and case studies based on people or situations where people can see themselves represented
  • Think about the implementation of the solution you offer and make meaningful statements that help people bridge the gap between just exposure to your product to actually ripping open the box and installing it for use.

Reiterating the point of making the journey to your product as easy as possible for the new consumer is the key.

Types of Consumers…

Targeting is a heck of a lot easier when you know your consumers and what motivates them to make a decision about a product.

  • Innovators– are driven by the desire to be outstanding and stand out from the crowd. They don’t mind if things aren’t all the way ready or missing documentation.
  • Early Adopters- are the visionaries who appreciate your products possibilities and potential and are driven by the desire to excel or be excellent.
  • Middle Majority– are concerned with the immediate usability, quality, consistency and ease of use associated with your product. These guys want delivery schedules, price and availability information.
  • Late Adopters- want to avoid everyone else’s rushed purchases or mistakes. They want to be right about the choice they make on a buyer level as opposed to gaining direct benefit from it. They are driven by success without risk.
  • Laggards- won’t use a product until they are forced to. They are your extremely cynical consumers motivated by safety.

Each of these consumers has their own unique way of responding to word of mouth in the stages of-

  1. Deciding to Decide on your Product
  2. Weighing the Information Available
  3. Trial Phase
  4. Purchase, Implementation and Ongoing Usage
  5. Expanding Commitment

To get the low down on these customers and the decision processes they go through, head to The Secret of Word of Mouth website.  

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