Social media

Permanence isn’t a pre-requisite to creating value.

Marcus Westbury

What makes a good social media marketing agency?

It’s not how many posts they share in a week. Or how much each post costs.

It’s not how many likes the content gets. Or even the volume of content clicks.

A good social media marketing agency knows great social media builds community.

Social media is real life juiced up

Your potential customers don’t use social media because they want to be sold to. They use it because they want to connect up. They want to be heard.

They want to be social!

And your customers want to be apart of something bigger than themselves. Whether that’s indulging their fandom for your products. Or contributing meaningfully to your community.

That’s what a lot of businesses and social media marketing agencies fail to understand.

It doesn’t matter if you are struggling to figure out how to use a newfangled software. Or if you’re desperately trying to choose what karate club to join.

We turn to social media to find the businesses, communities and other customers who share our views. Who welcome us.

And who let us know we’re not alone. Especially with the problems we’re encountering and trying to solve.

Your customers pick the brands that have a consistent, friendly, helpful and proactive voice on social media.

It’s your opportunity to put great customer service on display.

That doesn’t change no matter what you sell, market or offer.

How does my social media marketing agency manage to pull that off?

I can help you with:

Woman talking through Megaphone

Building your social media strategy

With my social media marketing plans, you can move away from reactive or boring social media and start enjoying your customer’s company.
Overworked businessman

Assessing your community health

I can audit your current social media presence and make recommendations to help it fly.
Top Talented Business People

Hands on social media management

Allow me to act as your community manager and create connections with your customers on your behalf.
Business woman being handed paperwork from every direction

Putting contingencies in place

Let’s minimise the impact of social media disasters, Australian defamation law and/or customer meltdowns with proper contingencies.
About Unashamedly Creative

Training your team on social media

My community management training helps unlock the potential and imagination within your existing team.
Woman giving thumbs up

Developing policies, strategies and ideas

Let’s look at where you audience is, how to reach them and build a social media marketing presence that stands out.

Why me?

I have been working in all forms of community since the first launch of IRC and BBS technology in the 90s. I’ve worked across community on a variety of different platforms including online and off technology. This includes experience outside the standard social media platforms such as forums, IVR technology, petitions and surveys, mobile applications, virtual worlds and events. I am well-versed in the leading names in social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Discourse. And I’m always happy to play with more.

My social media services include strategy and planning, contingency planning and activation, scheduling, content creation, direct assistance through community management, and platform evaluation.

In my time as a social media marketing agency, I have supplied strategies to start-ups, not-for-profits and small businesses across everything from animal health through to death literacy and firefighter recruitment.

My work as a community manager has seen me run three successful Vivid Ideas events across mental health, disability and freelancing. My community the Freelance Jungle won the 2019 NSW Workplace Wellbeing Award from WayAhead. And I have received community grants from Wollongong City Council and Facebook Australia in tandem with Good2Give to create communities via social media technology.

Retro woman with a solution

How I work

The path to a happy relationship with your social media marketing agency:

  • Deep assessment

    I look at the building blocks of what you want from your social media experience. Are you looking to reduce drag on your customer service? Be better at retaining customers? Find ways to entertain your customers between purchases? Encourage user generated content? It’s like asking you what your intentions are. Only for community management nerds!

  • Communication strategy work

    Developing written assets and supporting documents and social media plans to turn your organisation into a customer-friendly beacon in the online world.

  • Auditing your current state of play

    I dig deep into your current social media presence and how you function as a community. It may include online assessment, looking at analytics, reading existing policies and plans, and spending time to observe how your social media functions.

  • Training and/or workshops

    I can help train you to make your existing team weather all kinds of social media storms through community management principles, customised training workshops and more. And I offer these online or in person.

Ready to kick arse at social media and community?