Permanence isn’t a pre-requisite to creating value.
What makes a good social media marketing agency?
It’s not how many posts they share in a week. Or how much each post costs.
It’s not how many likes the content gets. Or even the volume of content clicks.
A good social media marketing agency knows great social media builds community.
Social media is real life juiced up
Your potential customers don’t use social media because they want to be sold to. They use it because they want to connect up. They want to be heard.
They want to be social!
And your customers want to be apart of something bigger than themselves. Whether that’s indulging their fandom for your products. Or contributing meaningfully to your community.
That’s what a lot of businesses and social media marketing agencies fail to understand.
It doesn’t matter if you are struggling to figure out how to use a newfangled software. Or if you’re desperately trying to choose what karate club to join.
We turn to social media to find the businesses, communities and other customers who share our views. Who welcome us.
And who let us know we’re not alone. Especially with the problems we’re encountering and trying to solve.
Your customers pick the brands that have a consistent, friendly, helpful and proactive voice on social media.
It’s your opportunity to put great customer service on display.
That doesn’t change no matter what you sell, market or offer.