Unashamedly Creative Clients in the News

It’s always super rewarding to see Unashamedly Creative clients kick goals but September has been especially awesome for TaskRunners, Open Shed and  Space Heroes.


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Cheryl from TaskRunners at the Breakfast Point Fair

TaskRunners First Public Appearance

I met Cheryl from TaskRunners 3 months ago when she was still working her full time job and just about ready to make the leap into the dizzying world of startup. Since then, Cheryl and I have worked side by side closely to take her website, social media, blog and strategic marketing to new heights. The site will be ready soon and the first customers will be able to enjoy the benefit of sharing the tasks they need done with other members of the TaskRunners community!

Beyond that, I am proud to say on Sunday TaskRunners had our first ever public event as a stall at the Breakfast Point Lifestyle Spectacular. The gorgeously warm and sunny day was only matched in beauty by the spirit of the local residents who took to the idea like ducks to water. What a nice way to cap off a very full on 3 months with a new client!



Unashamedly Creative Clients- open shed
Open Shed take out Business Small category of Green Lifestyle Awards 2012

Open Shed Gains Major Recognition

Not only was Open Shed accepted as one of only 5 businesses into the Ignition Labs Clean Tech Incubator, Lisa and Duncan also won the small business category for Green Lifestyle Magazine’s Green Awards! This is huge recognition for the dynamic duo who, in such a very short time, have reinvented money saving through house-sitting to follow their dream, worked amazingly long hours and have devoted themselves to not only their own start-up dream but to spreading the word and helping other fledgling businesses form a strong collaborative consumption community.

In a week’s time, Lisa and Duncan fly to the United States to attend SXSW Eco. I just love being able to say I have known them since the very beginning and helped as a respected and autonomous part of the Open Shed team.



Space Heroes to head to Small Screen

One of the most amazing Sydney startup stories is Space Heroes Universe- a virtual world for kids aged 6 to 12 that is now a global favourite with kids all around the world. It’s been my honour to work closely with the team on a number of occasions- from web copy, writing for the game and even character development I have been called upon time and time again to help the team create quality fun, educational and story driven content.

In the space of a week, Space Heroes Universe has been named among the best social games and kids websites in the world, winning the Gold Medal – General Website, Children’s category and the Gold Medal – Game or Application, Social/Networking!

AND the joy doesn’t stop there. To accompany the popular game, the Space Heroes team have released the trailer to the cartoon series based on the game’s story. Since its release last week, the trailer has gained over 180,000 views on YouTube and continues to grow. It blows my mind to think I will soon be part of the writing team bringing the cartoon to life!


If October is half as rewarding and exciting for my Unashamedly Creative clients, I’ll be really happy!


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