Are you a freelancer in Australia? Join the Freelance Jungle!
Freelancers in Australia are catching on to the fun and reward associated with meeting up monthly under the pale eye of the moon once a month to chew the freelancer fat. Whether you enjoy a drink or have a sweet tooth you simply can’t satisfy, the Freelance Jungle is for you.
Brisbane Freelance Jungle
The Brisbane Freelance Jungle is run by the ever lovely Emily Read and features regulars such as Nicole Jensen (who also co-captains the Freelance Jungle online) and Bill Harper. This kind and compassionate group know what it’s like to be freelancers in Australia and to tackle all kinds of topics.
With a regular brunch timetable, the Brisbane Freelance Jungle is a small but mighty group that often speak about mental health in small business, direct challenges within freelancing and day-to-day business.
Wollongong Freelance Jungle
Since making the move to the Illawarra in 2014, yours truly has been bringing together Illawarra based freelancers in Australia for coffee, wine and the odd meal. We regularly meet in person and online to talk about all kinds of things to do with freelance life.
Ranging from how to becomes freelancers in Australia through to pivoting from freelance to startup, we’ve talked about it all. Come along and join the party. There’s monthly meetups in Wollongong city and northern Illawarra at bars and cafes. And we regularly participate in free co-working days at Zig Zag on the Crown st mall.
Connect with the Wollongong Freelance Jungle via Meetup.
Sydney Freelance Jungle
I may have traded by 20 year Sydney chip for a fresh start in Wollongong, but I’m still there to bring home the original (and the best some say!) Sydney Freelance Jungle.
Freelancers in Australia are drawn to the Sydney Freelance Jungle for all kinds of reasons. We’re part social club, part problem solver, part networking job event and always surprising.
Sydney Freelance Jungle operates on an irregular timetable (usually when I can get a lift there and back). But you can always tune into the official Freelance Jungle meetup for the next happening and subscribe to alerts.
Connecting freelancers in Australia online
Part of the things that as flourished and grown in 2016 is the Freelance Jungle online. over 700 freelancers in Australia connect on a daily basis to share their stories, look for partners on jobs, ask advice and get the workplace feel that is often lacking in freelance life.
As part of the online commitment to freelancers in Australia, there is also an online companion element via Zoom video conferencing. You can participate in virtual winedown Fridays, catch up on the latest learning in things such as community management, SEO and Google AdWords and talk about challenges such as mental health and more.
These events are promoted heavily in the Freelance Jungle online group. So come on by for a chat and a chance to sparkle the old great matter.
Why are freelancers in Australia frequenting the Freelance Jungle?
While there are plenty of places you can go to pick up new skills and make the most out of conferences and seminars, the Freelance Jungle is a FREE monthly meetup where you can have a drink and a chat with people who are just like you.
Part social club, part support group and all fun, the Freelance Jungle gives you the opportunity to talk to more than a house plant on a regular basis.
What you can expect at a Freelance Jungle:
- Fellow freelancers who can talk you through the issues you are facing
- A fun way to blow off some steam after a hard couple of weeks
- A readymade group of people interested in celebrating your latest win
- Advice, anecdotes and a little bit of alcohol
- Potential to meet up with other freelancers for projects
- People who get what it’s like to be a freelancer
The Freelance Jungle is open to anyone who works in the freelance realm or who is a solo operator (so startup, one person small business, contractor etc).
Need a fix in between your local meetup?
The Freelance Jungle is now online via a secret members only Facebook group where over 700 freelancers in Australia ask for advice, share their stories, trade work and more.
Join in the conversations, ask your questions, find the people you need to work on jobs with and more all with a few well placed clicks.
Want to come along and check it out? RSVP at the Freelance Jungle event nearest you! All freelancers in Australia are welcome.
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