Get yourself some marketing myth busting now
You know what time it is? Time for some marketing myth busting!
Marketing isn’t some magic witchery found on the high of a mountain once you say the secret code to the gatekeeper. It’s actually a form of communication that combines branded storytelling, creativity, sales and product education in such a way as to attract customers.
Let’s get rid of a few marketing myths that keep popping up so that you can make your marketing practical and useful.
Ready to get into some marketing myth busting? Great- let’s go!
Marketing Myth 1: People buy gibberish
You don’t sound clever if you use buzz words, just incredibly hard to understand. Or you sound like basically what you are, which is someone trying to use big words to impress people for no apparent reason. Yuck!
Instead, write your copy in such a way that it helps new customers get to know you, understand your product and gain a little insight into the differences between you and your competitors.
Be approachable and people will want to approach you. Write like your puking up a thesaurus and expect an extra long road to Trustville.
Myth 2: The first sale is the most important
Getting that first purchase is vitally important, but aiming for the second serves you better in the long run.
For the majority of products, conversion rates from 1st to 2nd purchase need to be healthy and happy. It shows what attracted the customer and the experience they had when using the product matched. It shows they are more likely to be back again, too.
The same can be said for things like App usage – it’s one thing for people to download and use your product once, it’s another thing entirely to see them coming back for more.
The first sale needs to lead to the second otherwise what’s the point? Track them. Notice the drift and create a sustainable business by focusing on that all important second and subsequent purchase.
Myth 3: Getting permission doesn’t matter
Do you appreciate brands that ignore your NO JUNK MAIL sticker? Do you like being randomly bailed up in your lunch break to talk about the wilderness or a new water filter? I’m guessing most of the time, it’s no, right?
People want you to seek permission before accosting them with your product now more than ever. If someone doesn’t want junk mail, they want out from your email list or they ask you to ensure they do not receive any telemarketing calls in future, make sure you respect that.
They might be back later if they opt out now, but if you keep annoying them without their permission, all you’ll end up with is bad word of mouth.
Myth 4: Your business is Kevin Costner
“If you build it, they will come” is not only the wrong line (Costner actually says “if you build it, he will come”), using it in a marketing context it’s just plain stupid.
It doesn’t matter how awesome your product is, birthing it alone doesn’t attract customers.
New products are like potential new friends at a party. You are always going to gravitate to the person who gives you a signal, invites conversation, smiles or generally makes an effort. However the dude staring into his lap refusing to communicate usually doesn’t go so well. He ends up being the dude the other people tend to avoid.
Don’t let your product be a Nigel No Friends. Make an effort to connect up to your intended audience.
Final Marketing Myth: Magic happens
Like most success, marketing takes time. It means putting in long hours, training yourself to handle more as you go along, keeping up with changes in the industry, failing at ideas, wiping off the frustration and sweat, having the occasional win- and then putting your head down and bum up to go through it all again.
The more you do and the better your skills get, the more you’ll have to do and the better your skills will have to be.
The bottom line on marketing myth busting
Marketing isn’t glamorous or super duper trendy. It doesn’t come out of a box labelled “just add water” or with complimentary cookie cutter. It isn’t easy (but is anything worthwhile ever easy?). Buying into the marketing myth storybook isn’t going to help you.
But it sure is worth it if you’re willing to work at your marketing and make your idea shine.
Let me help you with your marketing myth busting now- get in touch!
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