Writing on social media is enjoying a massive renaissance
If you enjoyed the early days of blogging, the internet is a really swell place right now. It’s full of the delicacy of pre-algorithmic focus where subject experts, amateurs and creative writers are all shoulder to shoulder, getting on with the business of writing.
But where should you be writing to enjoy the social media writing renaissance?
New social media writer homes
- LinkedIn articles
- Substack
And through promoting that writing:
What’s the difference between Substack and LinkedIn, experience wise?
Welcome to the part of the proceedings where I make some sweeping generalisations.
On LinkedIn, everyone:
- is in control
- knows their stuff
- is playing “follow the leader”
- has life-altering epiphanies over making a sandwich
- sets their journey as the standard
On Substack, everyone:
- is learning
- acknowledges experimentation and the experience
- is less sure of themselves (more authentic, even?)
- delights in the exploration and uncertainty as the gift it is
- invites others to share their own take on things
It’s an entirely unique atmosphere.
Whatever feels more comfortable for your personality should be what you try out. If you feel like exploring both, you can even handshake content across with an introduction and explanation. I even echo my Unashamedlycreative newsletter across both platforms to pick up two entirely different audiences. I plan to offer more content on how to manage that on subsequent blogs, so stay tuned.
“But Rebekah, where’s Facebook in all this?”
Yes, where exactly?
Facebook is a great feeder to get your audience to go elsewhere. It’s a place to sift through the connections and take other people to your:
- Blog (yep, they are back in fashion…despite the SEO changes)
- Newsletter
- Substack (https://substack.com/@rebekahlambert )
- Threads profile (https://www.threads.net/@unashamedlycreative )
- (maaaybe) Mastadon (https://aus.social/@unashamedlycreative)
And yes, Threads is yet another Meta product. With the writing is on the wall for Instagram too, I wouldn’t suggest a massive investment. But grabbing the people who want to connect, chat, collaborate, and create from these audiences has potential. Consider it a way to slim down a larger audience to include people who are still keen to engage who are over the big box broadcast feel. It’s like an audience segment that is separating itself in readiness to follow you to your more intimate place to be.
People are changing their appetite away from mass appeal. There is an exhaustion we’re all feeling, creator or consumer, about having to wade through constant pushes from places, pages and people we don’t follow to see what we do like to view.
It’s OK to experiment with the smaller, more intimate platforms. To curate the experience.
Think of it as ditching the gimmicky themed chain pub (Facebook- which I am happily using to talk about less business by the way) for the special little candlelit venue and see where it takes you (anything else).
Want help getting back in the writing on social media swing of things? Feel free to get in touch and let’s talk coaching, review and strategy!
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