Introducing that content creation eBook I promised
Right now, the lovely Ryan from Bright Spark Creative is putting the finishing touches design-wise on the content creation eBook I promised way back at the beginning of the year. How very, very exciting!
Anyway, there should be something up live next week about an official launch, so stay tuned. But here’s a little bit about it for the curious.
It’s called The Age of Word Love
Content creation and making your mark on the world in written form is super popular right now. I think we’ve entered an age of word love on the internet. But more than that, I firmly believe we’re harking back to one of our most traditional desires- to tell a story.
We’ve become fascinated with storytelling so much it’s helping with marketing, new ideas, creative projects and life in general.
Story telling has always underpinned what we do, and it’s something that begins when we’re tiny and continues beyond our death. What we leave on this world as a mark is our own story- whether that’s the ones our families painstakingly research and retell, right through to the TV, music, film and books we consume in our leisure.
We measure human success in CV’s and PR, in profiles and quotes, in histories and tales, and now, in what we leave behind on the internet.
It’s as though the cave paintings of old have found another wall to be inscribed on.
And it’s truly wonderful to see so much creation taking place.
Where there’s love, there’s hate
Business has finally realised that consumers don’t want to be yelled at, beaten to death by slick taglines or bamboozled by slick promises that never quite make it into fruition.
It’s realised marketing shouldn’t be this one sided journey of blasting people with gimmicks, offers and clever lines, and that in order to create a lasting connection with customers, they need to share their story, too.
But there’s a bit of a problem in this because not everyone can write naturally. Or find the time. And not every business can work out the balance between talking like a business and reaching out to customers as human beings.
As a result, a lot of businesses (and people with personal blogs) are creating a bit of a backlash against content creation and content in general. Some content may be a little naive in some ways and miss the vital points related to why it’s so appealing in the first place.
That’s where my eBook (hopefully) steps in.
Making friends with content creation
Fashionable love tends to fade, and hate dies down once all the facts come to light but it never really leaves. This is why I am pitching my eBook at making friends with content creation, social media, and yourself as someone who wants to leave a mark about your business.
It needs to be a lasting friendship to get you through your content journey.
I did a lot of research into what was out in the content creation eBook world. A lot of it assumes you’ve got a lot of headcount, have people who can write at your disposal, and that you’re down with using social media as a promotional tool.
The trouble is most of the startups, freelancers or small businesses I meet are lucky to have even one of these available. Mostly because when you create great content, you have to be wearing a few hats.
You have to be part marketing nerd, part SEO guru, part social media maven and all story teller.
The balance between that skill set and standard issues like running out of time and topics is hard enough. Add motivation issues and those crummy moments where nobody sends the social love to what you do write and the love affair with content starts to sour pretty quickly.
So you have to be friends with your content creation because when it’s giving you the heebie jeebies, you need to be strong enough to resist the urge to throw in the towel. And it’s that friendship and excitement for content creation I hope to share with you.
Looking at content creation from not simply a story perspective but to one that will help out your business can be mind blowing. I want you to read my eBook and tell me honestly if I gave you the tools to nail it.
If you want to be one of the lucky duckies who get to read it hot off the presses, drop me a line.
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