February Freelance Jungle is ON!
Baby, hit me one more time- we’re heading back the Unicorn Hotel for drinks, dinner and a little bit of freelance chill time. Yes folks, it’s time for the February Freelance Jungle!
Whether you need to share your horror month of freelancing or you want to wildly pump your fists with freelance happiness, we’ve got you covered.
Freelancers of all shapes and sizes, industries and experience levels, from novice to seasoned player are welcome. It’s a social club where you can meet people to work on projects with, talk to people who get what it is like to be a freelancer, and generally enjoy the company you probably lack due to your solo lifestyle.
Attending freelance events run by the Freelance Jungle means:
- Getting a little bit of that social happiness you just can’t get with your favourite office plant
- Sharing a meal or a drink with someone who actually understands the actual dilemma associated with potential new clients suggesting 8pm meetings
- Finding people who you might be able to work with in future on projects instead of saying no to jobs that need a copywriter, a cake maker and a photographer to work
- Debating hot button topics like “does Facebook still work for business?” or “how many paper cuts does it take to call the income insurance guy?” with people who get you
- Learning from other people’s experiences by swapping stories and the occasional laugh
- Attending something close to what a casting call of a freelancer edition of “The Office”
It’s a free entry event and a whole lot of fun. The Unicorn has a great range of drinks and reasonably priced food so you don’t end up going hungry or thirsty while you get your freelance fix.
Still here? Great! Hit the RSVP now. C’mon, you know you want to.
Want other freelance events? The Freelance Jungle operates in Sydney, Wollongong and Brisbane and online. Check it out now.
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