Catch me if you can. The places I’m being Unashamedly Creative

Being a freelance copywriter Sydney, Wollongong and beyond sees me enter busy season right about the time the chill hits the air. This year is definitely not an exception to the rule.

freelance copywriter sydney
Photo by Austris Augusts

May has been a very busy month and June will have the same duck paddling madly feel. You may not see me around on this blog during the next 8 weeks. You can however catch me in a few other places.

Here’s the round up of where you can find me if you so choose

Vivid Ideas – the future of work is freelance

Call me the luckiest person in the world because I get to share the stage with the ever inspiring Monica Davidson from Creative Plus Business and Cameron Rambert from Freelance Australia as part of Vivid Ideas. We’ve got a special panel planned where we’re talking about why the ‘future of work is freelance’ and what you can do to make your freelance journey as positive as possible.

Compered by the ever lovely Lara Lightfoot, it promises to be an open, frank and solution orientated conversation about acing freelance life.

Subjects include becoming pitch perfect, managing the stress associated with self employment, discovering supports and assistance available, what we need in this country to make freelancing a viable employment option for more people and more.

In case you’re wondering, my interest in bringing the community together came from seeing my own challenges as a freelance copywriter Sydney side as in dire need of attention. What began as a survey in 2010 became a meetup and now a national group. More on that below.

Indie Pro Summit

I’m channelling my inner Dr Who and presenting at two amazing events at the same time! Yes folks, you can grab a little in person me in Sydney as part of Vivid Ideas OR you can opt for the virtual version at the first ever Indie Pro Summit.

How stoked am I to be involved in this wonderful event that aims to help independent workers of the freelance and self employed kind with everything from community management to SEO and beyond? Props go to the amazing Russell Allert for pulling together such a great event.

I’ll be beating the drum for the importance of self-care. Tune in from June 6th for the entire event. I am scheduled for June 7th at 10am.

Hacking Happiness

Hacking Happiness continues to be a place where you can go to read about the impacts of life and stress on us as humans.

This is less about the business and freelance copywriter Sydney side and more about my mental health advocacy.

You’ll see me tackling the stress as a productivity cost, busting myths surrounding what it is to be happy, taking on taboo subjects such as mental health, death and suicide, and poking the idea of happiness generally to come to a more realistic and positive relationship with the notions of happiness, success and career.

Freelance Jungle

After 7 years of running the Freelance Jungle off Eventbrite, Meetup, GooglePlus and Facebook, you can now come and chill on a brand new website.

Feel free to check out the website, join the conversation online, grab a free webinar, pop in for a virtual stress down session and meet other freelancers in Brisbane, Sydney, Wollongong, Melbourne and Adelaide for the support you need.

In podcast form

Someone once said to me that I have a great face for radio. I’ve taken that as a win and am now available in podcast form.

You can catch up on scrappy audio replays of missed virtual classes in long form on a variety of different topics including finance, SEO, business planning, social media and Google AdWords.

Plus, you can download 9 minute meditations designed to get you over all kinds of business humps.

While I might not have the time to belt out a blog, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be sharing my opinions in pod form!

Learning to freelance

Want to pick my expensive and freelance savvy brain? You can do so for only $99 across 34 topics. Yes folks, you can learn the ins and outs of freelancing on your own terms, at your own pace and with all my cheesy humour attached through the Freelance Jungle Trek.

Sign up and settle in for a ride through the freelance jungle.

Solving your business pain

Whether you are in startup, small business or freelancing, you can also get the customised help and support you need via my pain point clinic. It’s like business coaching only it’s designed to make us both work to your best interests.

Come to me with problems, ideas and questions and leave with a sense of relief and an actionable plan.

I know there are a bunch of people offering business coaching out there however, I come from 20 years of lived experience in the digital marketing and product development space. Plus I have 7 years of freelancing and self employment under my belt.

My aim is to help you get your business (and your head) where you want it to be without platitudes, cheerleading or overwhelming you with cookie cutter approaches.

If that rings your bell, get in touch. It’s $99 an hour and (apparently) money well spent.

As a freelance copywriter Sydney and beyond

I’m still working on bringing you great quality copy, content marketing and social media. My clients are from all around Australia and in a variety of different fields.

So if you need some written work for your business, feel free to sashay over to the contact page and drop me a note.

Be warned though- I am pretty busy. So book early to avoid disappointment.

That’s all for now

Looking for a freelance copywriter Sydney and Wollongong side? Want an Australian content marketing specialist to help take your business to the next level?

Catch me if you can!

If you want to book me, I have limited space available until August, so drop me an email sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment.


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