Understand the customer who wants it now
The sale orientated customer is someone who has reached the point where they must fix a problem NOW. It may be that they’ve put off solving their problem for too long and have gotten to the point where they simply cannot handle it any more, or they’ve had something happen that requires immediate attention.
Due to the nature of the problem, sale orientated customers want information quickly. So the best way to grab their attention is using the following content formats:
- Short, snappy and to-the-point web copy that is easily digestible- having high organic SEO is extremely helpful here, too. But always remember, if someone is in a super urgent hurry, they won’t want to wade through a lot of copy.
- Problem based short blogs- if people come to you due to infected teeth, blocked toilets or to get broken items fixed before their parents come home from holidays, write about it so you can rank when people search for it
- TVCs and radio ads- think about when the problem is most painful. For example, right after people have spent Christmas alone is a good idea to prime the dating product pump. Or offering an alternative to a traffic jam is great during drive time.
- Google AdWords- if we want it in a hurry, we won’t go off the first page of Google. We’ll just keep entering terms until we crack the case. So if you want to secure your spot, Google AdWords is mighty helpful.
- Social media call outs- this is when someone will pop up a Facebook status or send out a tweet asking where to go to get a fix. To prepare for this in social media, ensure you encourage a regular dialogue with your customers and get them doing the sharing and recommending. You can also use filters and tools on Twitter and Google to look for moments where you may have the answer to someone else’s question.
When will you find the sale orientated customer?
The sale orientated customer is when people have had enough. So their failing body, broken house, stupid failed product, work headache, recalcitrant pet or particular pain point cannot be ignored anymore. So talk about the pain points you solve regularly on your blog and social media, and time your spend on advertising to grab people when you think they may be suffering.
The benefits of the Quick-sale customer:
- If they are making contact, they have money in hand and are ready to purchase.
- They’ll be sold on aftercare products so the situation doesn’t arise in future.
The negatives of the sale orientated customer:
- The sense of urgency can cloud the customer’s view, so they may buy the wrong product to fix the problem or make do with something else if you are not visible.
- If they buy your product and it’s not right, buyer’s remorse is almost assured.
How well you know your customers is really important. Does this guy sound like a customer to your business?
If not, why not see if another customer type fits better and helps you spot your customers in a crowd? Click here now.
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